Wisconsin Badgers Yoda Hawaiian And Beach Short
For informal entertaining, the pake muu featured long, wing-like sleeves based on a Chinese design. The popular tea-timer was a tight-fitting, tailored sleeveless top with a short mandarin collar. The holomu was a fitted garment for more formal evening wear while the holoku was a full-length dress for formal affairs. Over the years, women’s Hawaiian clothing has tended to feature floral designs: ginger blossoms, plumeria, hibiscus, orchids and birds-of-paradise.The designs used on women’s clothing often matches the prints used in Aloha shirts.

Wisconsin Badgers Yoda Hawaiian And Beach Short
CASUAL DAY FINDS ITS ROOTS IN HONOLULUIn 1947, the Honolulu Board of Supervisors passed a resolution whereby City and County employees were allowed—actually, they were encouraged—to wear Hawaiian shirts from June 1 to October 31 each year to beat the summer heat and promote Hawaiian pride. This single act by a local government has had a powerful influence on businesses and civil servant departments around the world, especially where summers are unbearably hot. Today, many corners of the globe adopt more casual clothing styles for hot weather. The tradition of “casual Friday” stems from this simple Hawaiian practice.